247 Centre Street New York July 11/06 Dear Jack I duly received yours on the 16th ulto,soon after its receipt was called out of town and while away overlooked replying, have just got back and hasten to reply. First., Bee and the girls can hole the property absolutely as security pending the payment of their money back. Will write Bee to this effect. Second., Regarding transferring lease to you,. The only draw back to this is the poor old Boss; Unnecessary for me to go into past history beyond to say, I rescued the premises ar a time when Boss would have lost them, yet the poor old man imagines that he gave them to me. I don't want to hurt his feelings in any way so am slow to make this drastic move for his sake, here is a p;an however which will get around his objections and will at the same time fill the bill. Third., I to transfer the lease over to you on conditions that you pay ground rent, Taxes etc., and pay a nominal rent of Ten Pounds per annum, I having the privilege of purchasing back the premises any time after five years and before ten years upon paying the Two Hundred Pounds less the Ten pounds per year rent, the purchase price would be One Hundred and Fifty Pounds. With this arrangement you would be fulfilling all the requirements of the Building Society etc. Fourth., Of course Boss should have his portion of the premises free so long as he occupies same. The foregoing plan appear to me to be a simple way out of the tangle, it takes away all objections which Father may raise, at the same time places you in the position of sole lessee, thus fulfilling all the requirements of the Building Society. To save time I will enclose a letter for father and if the foregoing arrangement meets with your approval you can seal Fathers letter and hand it to him, he I am sure will consent, then you can go right ahead and make necessary arrangements. I have yours of the 27th and 39th ulto, the former adds nothing new which my suggested plan does not cover, the latter I will write you in reply in a few days. Hoping that the matter can now be straightened out without further delay, and with very best regards, I am Very affectionately yours Richard W Long Read contents of fathers letter which will make the matter more clear then seal same, if plan is aprovable to you, and deliver to him. RWL